Kew wanted to raise awareness and donations for their Millennium Seed bank, which stores the greatest concentration of living seed-plant biodiversity on earth. Sponsoring a seed wasn’t seen as worthwhile as a cute animal, but with 1 in 5 plant species said to be threatened with extinction, we could be losing sustainable solutions to world problems like food security; disease; climate change and biodiversity loss.

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A ban on smoking in public places was embraced by the majority. But how could we get the public to think about how they smoke in private? Smoking inside cars was high on FRESH Smokefree North East's list. They didn't want to ostracise smokers entirely, but felt it was important for a hard hitting campaign to highlight the dangers to their passengers. Especially small children who don't have a choice whether to travel.
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Breakthrough Breast Cancer wanted to promote their breast check app.
A comprehensive guide for women on how to check their breasts properly
and spot early stages of cancerous growth.

The UK housing problem has always been an issue. Shelter wanted a poster to appear in Westminster tube station to
remind civil servants, politicians as well as the public, of the ever-growing figures and the constant need for the government to act.
Coeliac UK
Coeliac disease is more common than we think, but it is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are vast; tension headaches, anaemia, tiredness, weight loss, hair loss, skin rash etc. The stomach is often overlooked.
McCann asked us to help them pitch for Coeliac UK to raise awareness of the condition and educate people that their symptoms could be due to Coeliac disease. We won the pitch.